Data formats
— Functionwrite_prism_file(path_without_file_ending, problem)
Write the files required by PRISM explicit engine/format to
(transitions), andpath_without_file_ending.pctl
If the specification is a reward optimization problem, then a state rewards file .srew is also written.
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.
— Functionread_prism_file(path_without_file_ending)
Read PRISM explicit file formats and pctl file, and return a Problem including system and specification.
See PRISM Explicit Model Files for more information on the file format.
— Functionread_bmdp_tool_file(path)
Read a bmdp-tool transition probability file and return an IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
and a list of terminal states. From the file format, it is not clear if the desired reachability verification if the reachability specification is finite or infinite horizon, the satisfaction_mode is pessimistic or optimistic, or if the actions should minimize or maximize the probability of reachability.
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.
— Functionwrite_bmdp_tool_file(path, problem::Problem)
Write a bmdp-tool transition probability file for the given an IMDP and a reachability specification. The file will not contain enough information to specify a reachability specification. The remaining parameters are rather command line arguments.
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.
write_bmdp_tool_file(path, mdp::IntervalMarkovProcess, spec::Specification)
write_bmdp_tool_file(path, mdp::IntervalMarkovProcess, prop::AbstractReachability)
write_bmdp_tool_file(path, mdp::IntervalMarkovProcess, terminal_states::Vector{T})
write_bmdp_tool_file(path, mdp::IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess, terminal_states::Vector{<:CartesianIndex})
— Functionread_intervalmdp_jl(model_path, spec_path)
Read an IntervalMDP.jl data file and return an IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
or IntervalMarkovChain
and a list of terminal states.
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.
— Functionread_intervalmdp_jl_model(model_path)
Read an IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
or IntervalMarkovChain
from an IntervalMDP.jl system file (netCDF sparse format).
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.
— Functionread_intervalmdp_jl_spec(spec_path)
Read a Specification
from an IntervalMDP.jl spec file (JSON-format).
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.
— Functionwrite_intervalmdp_jl_model(model_path, mdp)
Write an IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
to an IntervalMDP.jl system file (netCDF sparse format).
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.
— Functionwrite_intervalmdp_jl_spec(spec_path, spec::Specification)
Write a Specification
to an IntervalMDP.jl spec file (JSON-format).
See Data storage formats for more information on the file format.