System representation
— TypeIntervalMarkovProcess
An abstract type for interval Markov processes including IntervalMarkovChain
and IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
— Methodnum_states(mp::IntervalMarkovProcess)
Return the number of states.
— Methodinitial_states(mp::IntervalMarkovProcess)
Return the initial states. If the initial states are not specified, return nothing
— TypeAllStates
A type to represent all states in a Markov process. This type is used to specify all states as the initial states.
— Methodtransition_prob(mp::IntervalMarkovProcess)
Return the interval on transition probabilities.
— TypeIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess{
P <: IntervalProbabilities,
VT <: AbstractVector{Int32},
VI <: Union{AllStates, AbstractVector}
A type representing (stationary) Interval Markov Decision Processes (IMDP), which are Markov Decision Processes with uncertainty in the form of intervals on the transition probabilities.
Formally, let $(S, S_0, A, \Gamma)$ be an interval Markov decision process, where
- $S$ is the set of states,
- $S_0 \subseteq S$ is the set of initial states,
- $A$ is the set of actions, and
- $\Gamma = \{\Gamma_{s,a}\}_{s \in S, a \in A}$ is a set of interval ambiguity sets on the transition probabilities, for each source-action pair.
Then the IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
type is defined as follows: indices 1:num_states
are the states in $S$, transition_prob
represents $\Gamma$, actions are implicitly defined by stateptr
(e.g. if stateptr[3] == 4
and stateptr[4] == 7
then the actions available to state 3 are [1, 2, 3]
), and initial_states
is the set of initial states $S_0$. If no initial states are specified, then the initial states are assumed to be all states in $S$ represented by AllStates
. See IntervalProbabilities and Theory for more information on the structure of the transition probability ambiguity sets.
: interval on transition probabilities where columns represent source/action pairs and rows represent target states.stateptr::VT
: pointer to the start of each source state intransition_prob
(i.e.transition_prob[:, stateptr[j]:stateptr[j + 1] - 1]
is the transition probability matrix for source statej
) in the style of colptr for sparse matrices in CSC format.initial_states::VI
: initial states.num_states::Int32
: number of states.
transition_probs = IntervalProbabilities(;
lower = [
0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.0
0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0
0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.0
upper = [
0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.0
0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0
0.7 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.0
stateptr = [1, 3, 5, 6]
initial_states = [1]
mdp = IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess(transition_probs, stateptr, initial_states)
There is also a constructor for IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
where the transition probabilities are given as a list of transition probabilities for each source state.
prob1 = IntervalProbabilities(;
lower = [
0.0 0.5
0.1 0.3
0.2 0.1
upper = [
0.5 0.7
0.6 0.5
0.7 0.3
prob2 = IntervalProbabilities(;
lower = [
0.1 0.2
0.2 0.3
0.3 0.4
upper = [
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
prob3 = IntervalProbabilities(;
lower = [0.0; 0.0; 1.0],
upper = [0.0; 0.0; 1.0]
transition_probs = [prob1, prob2, prob3]
initial_states = [1]
mdp = IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess(transition_probs, initial_states)
— FunctionIntervalMarkovChain(transition_prob::IntervalProbabilities, initial_states::InitialStates = AllStates())
Construct an Interval Markov Chain from a square matrix pair of interval transition probabilities. The initial states are optional and if not specified, all states are assumed to be initial states. The number of states is inferred from the size of the transition probability matrix.
The returned type is an IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
with only one action per state (i.e. stateptr[j + 1] - stateptr[j] == 1
for all j
). This is done to unify the interface for value iteration.
— Methodstateptr(mdp::IntervalMarkovDecisionProcess)
Return the state pointer of the Interval Markov Decision Process. The state pointer is a vector of integers where the i
-th element is the index of the first element of the i
-th state in the transition probability matrix. I.e. transition_prob[:, stateptr[j]:stateptr[j + 1] - 1]
is the transition probability matrix for source state j
— TypeOrthogonalIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess{
P <: OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities,
VT <: AbstractVector{Int32},
VI <: Union{AllStates, AbstractVector}
A type representing (stationary) Orthogonal Interval Markov Decision Processes (OIMDP), which are IMDPs where the transition probabilities for each state can be represented as the product of the transition probabilities of individual processes.
Formally, let $(S, S_0, A, \Gamma)$ be an orthogonal interval Markov decision process [1], where
- $S = S_1 \times \cdots \times S_n$ is the set of joint states with $S_i$ the set of states for the
-th marginal, - $S_0 \subseteq S$ is the set of initial states,
- $A$ is the set of actions, and
- $\Gamma = \{\Gamma_{s,a}\}_{s \in S, a \in A}$ is a set of interval ambiguity sets on the transition probabilities, for each source-action pair, with $\Gamma_{s,a} = \bigotimes_{i=1}^n \Gamma_{s,a}^i$ and $\Gamma_{s,a}^i$ is a marginal interval ambiguity sets on the $i$-th marginal.
Then the OrthogonalIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
type is defined as follows: indices 1:num_states
are the states in $S$ and transition_prob
represents $\Gamma$. Actions are implicitly defined by stateptr
(e.g. if source_dims
in transition_prob
is (2, 3, 2)
, and stateptr[3] == 4
and stateptr[4] == 7
then the actions available to state CartesianIndex(1, 2, 1)
are [1, 2, 3]
), and initial_states
is the set of initial states $S_0$. If no initial states are specified, then the initial states are assumed to be all states in $S$ represented by AllStates
. See OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities and Theory for more information on the structure of the transition probability ambiguity sets.
: interval on transition probabilities where columns represent source/action pairs and rows represent target states along each marginal.stateptr::VT
: pointer to the start of each source state intransition_prob
(i.e.transition_prob[l][:, stateptr[j]:stateptr[j + 1] - 1]
is the transition probability matrix for source statej
for each axisl
) in the style of colptr for sparse matrices in CSC format.initial_states::VI
: initial states.num_states::Int32
: number of states.
Assume that prob1
, prob2
, and prob3
are IntervalProbabilities
for the first, second, and third axis, respectively, defined as the example in OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities. Then the following code constructs an OrthogonalIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
with three axes of three states each. The number of actions per state is one, i.e. the model is a Markov chain. Therefore, the stateptr
is a unit range 1:num_states + 1
and we can call the convenience constructor OrthogonalIntervalMarkovChain
prob = OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities((prob1, prob2, prob3), (Int32(3), Int32(3), Int32(3)))
mc = OrthogonalIntervalMarkovChain(prob)
[1] Mathiesen, F. B., Haesaert, S., & Laurenti, L. (2024). Scalable control synthesis for stochastic systems via structural IMDP abstractions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.11803.
— FunctionOrthogonalIntervalMarkovChain(transition_prob::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, initial_states::InitialStates = AllStates())
Construct a Orthogonal Interval Markov Chain from orthogonal interval transition probabilities. The initial states are optional and if not specified, all states are assumed to be initial states. The number of states is inferred from the size of the transition probability matrix.
The returned type is an OrthogonalIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
with only one action per state (i.e. stateptr[j + 1] - stateptr[j] == 1
for all j
). This is done to unify the interface for value iteration.
— Methodstateptr(mdp::OrthogonalIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess)
Return the state pointer of the Interval Markov Decision Process. The state pointer is a vector of integers where the i
-th element is the index of the first element of the i
-th state in the transition probability matrix. I.e. transition_prob[l][:, stateptr[j]:stateptr[j + 1] - 1]
is the transition probability matrix for (flattened) source state j
for axis l
— TypeMixtureIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess{
P <: IntervalProbabilities,
VT <: AbstractVector{Int32},
VI <: Union{AllStates, AbstractVector}
A type representing (stationary) Mixture Interval Markov Decision Processes (OIMDP), which are IMDPs where the transition probabilities for each state can be represented as the product of the transition probabilities of individual processes.
Formally, let $(S, S_0, A, \Gamma, \Gamma_\alpha)$ be an interval Markov decision processes, where
- $S = S_1 \times \cdots \times S_n$ is the set of joint states with $S_i$ the set of states for the
-th marginal, - $S_0 \subseteq S$ is the set of initial states,
- $A$ is the set of actions,
- $\Gamma = \{\Gamma_{s,a}\}_{s \in S, a \in A}$ is a set of interval ambiguity sets on the transition probabilities, for each source-action pair, with $\Gamma_{s,a} = \bigotimes_{i=1}^n \Gamma_{s,a}^i$ and $\Gamma_{s,a}^i$ is a marginal interval ambiguity sets on the $i$-th marginal, and
- $\Gamma^\alpha = \{\Gamma^\alpha_{s,a}\}_{s \in S, a \in A}$ is the interval ambiguity set for the mixture.
Then the MixtureIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
type is defined as follows: indices 1:num_states
are the states in $S$ and transition_prob
represents $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^\alpha$. Actions are implicitly defined by stateptr
(e.g. if source_dims
in transition_prob
is (2, 3, 2)
, and stateptr[3] == 4
and stateptr[4] == 7
then the actions available to state CartesianIndex(1, 2, 1)
are [1, 2, 3]
), and initial_states
is the set of initial states $S_0$. If no initial states are specified, then the initial states are assumed to be all states in $S$ represented by AllStates
. See MixtureIntervalProbabilities and Theory for more information on the structure of the transition probability ambiguity sets.
: ambiguity set on transition probabilities (see MixtureIntervalProbabilities for the structure).stateptr::VT
: pointer to the start of each source state intransition_prob
(i.e.transition_prob[k][l][:, stateptr[j]:stateptr[j + 1] - 1]
is the transition probability matrix for source statej
for each modelk
and axisl
) in the style of colptr for sparse matrices in CSC format.initial_states::VI
: initial states.num_states::Int32
: number of states.
The following example is a simple mixture of two OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities
with one dimension and the same source/action pairs. The first state has two actions and the second state has one action. The weighting ambiguity set is also specified for the same three source-action pairs.
prob1 = OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities(
lower = [
0.0 0.5 0.1
0.1 0.3 0.2
upper = [
0.5 0.7 0.6
0.7 0.4 0.8
prob2 = OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities(
lower = [
0.1 0.4 0.2
0.3 0.0 0.1
upper = [
0.4 0.6 0.5
0.7 0.5 0.7
weighting_probs = IntervalProbabilities(; lower = [
0.3 0.5 0.4
0.4 0.3 0.2
], upper = [
0.8 0.7 0.7
0.7 0.5 0.4
mixture_prob = MixtureIntervalProbabilities((prob1, prob2), weighting_probs)
stateptr = Int32[1, 3, 4]
mdp = MixtureIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess(mixture_prob, stateptr)
— FunctionMixtureIntervalMarkovChain(transition_prob::MixtureIntervalProbabilities, initial_states::InitialStates = AllStates())
Construct a Mixture Interval Markov Chain from mixture interval transition probabilities. The initial states are optional and if not specified, all states are assumed to be initial states. The number of states is inferred from the size of the transition probability matrix.
The returned type is an MixtureIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess
with only one action per state (i.e. stateptr[j + 1] - stateptr[j] == 1
for all j
). This is done to unify the interface for value iteration.
— Methodstateptr(mdp::MixtureIntervalMarkovDecisionProcess)
Return the state pointer of the Interval Markov Decision Process. The state pointer is a vector of integers where the i
-th element is the index of the first element of the i
-th state in the transition probability matrix. I.e. mixture_probs(transition_prob)[k][l][:, stateptr[j]:stateptr[j + 1] - 1]
is the independent transition probability matrix for (flattened) source state j
for axis l
and model k
, and mixture_probs(transition_prob)[:, stateptr[j]:stateptr[j + 1] - 1]
is the weighting matrix for j
Probability representation
Interval ambiguity sets
— TypeIntervalProbabilities{R, VR <: AbstractVector{R}, MR <: AbstractMatrix{R}}
A matrix pair to represent the lower and upper bound transition probabilities from all source states or source/action pairs to all target states. The matrices can be Matrix{R}
or SparseMatrixCSC{R}
, or their CUDA equivalents. For memory efficiency, it is recommended to use sparse matrices.
The columns represent the source and the rows represent the target, as if the probability matrix was a linear transformation. Mathematically, let $P$ be the probability matrix. Then $P_{ij}$ represents the probability of transitioning from state $j$ (or with state/action pair $j$) to state $i$. Due to the column-major format of Julia, this is also a more efficient representation (in terms of cache locality).
The lower bound is explicitly stored, while the upper bound is computed from the lower bound and the gap. This choice is because it simplifies repeated probability assignment using O-maximization [1].
: The lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target
: The gap between upper and lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.sum_lower::VR
: The sum of lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to all target states.
dense_prob = IntervalProbabilities(;
lower = [0.0 0.5; 0.1 0.3; 0.2 0.1],
upper = [0.5 0.7; 0.6 0.5; 0.7 0.3],
sparse_prob = IntervalProbabilities(;
lower = sparse_hcat(
SparseVector(15, [4, 10], [0.1, 0.2]),
SparseVector(15, [5, 6, 7], [0.5, 0.3, 0.1]),
upper = sparse_hcat(
SparseVector(15, [1, 4, 10], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]),
SparseVector(15, [5, 6, 7], [0.7, 0.5, 0.3]),
[1] M. Lahijanian, S. B. Andersson and C. Belta, "Formal Verification and Synthesis for Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2031-2045, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.1109/TAC.2015.2398883.
— Methodlower(p::IntervalProbabilities)
Return the lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
— Methodlower(p::IntervalProbabilities, i, j)
Return the lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
— Methodupper(p::IntervalProbabilities)
Return the upper bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
It is not recommended to use this function for the hot loop of O-maximization. Because the IntervalProbabilities
stores the lower and gap transition probabilities, fetching the upper bound requires allocation and computation.
— Methodupper(p::IntervalProbabilities, i, j)
Return the upper bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
It is not recommended to use this function for the hot loop of O-maximization. Because the IntervalProbabilities
stores the lower and gap transition probabilities, fetching the upper bound requires allocation and computation.
— Methodgap(p::IntervalProbabilities)
Return the gap between upper and lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
— Methodgap(p::IntervalProbabilities, i, j)
Return the gap between upper and lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
— Methodsum_lower(p::IntervalProbabilities)
Return the sum of lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to all target states. This is useful in efficiently implementing O-maximization, where we start with a lower bound probability assignment and iteratively, according to the ordering, adding the gap until the sum of probabilities is 1.
— Methodsum_lower(p::IntervalProbabilities, j)
Return the sum of lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to all target states. This is useful in efficiently implementing O-maximization, where we start with a lower bound probability assignment and iteratively, according to the ordering, adding the gap until the sum of probabilities is 1.
— Methodnum_source(p::IntervalProbabilities)
Return the number of source states or source/action pairs.
— Methodnum_target(p::IntervalProbabilities)
Return the number of target states.
— Methodaxes_source(p::IntervalProbabilities)
Return the valid range of indices for the source states or source/action pairs.
Marginal interval ambiguity sets
— TypeOrthogonalIntervalProbabilities{N, P <: IntervalProbabilities}
A tuple of IntervalProbabilities
for (marginal) transition probabilities from all source/action pairs to the target states along each axis, with target states/marginals on the rows and source states or source/action pairs on the columns. The source states are ordered in a column-major order, i.e., the first axis of source states is the fastest, similar to the ordering of a multi-dimensional array in Julia. E.g. for an OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities
with source_dims == (3, 3, 3)
and 2 actions for each source state $\{a_1, a_2\}$, the columns in order represent the collowing:
\[ ((1, 1, 1), a_1), ((1, 1, 1), a_2), (2, 1, 1), a_1), ((2, 1, 1), a_2), ..., ((3, 3, 3), a_1), ((3, 3, 3), a_2).\]
The number of target states correspond to the number of rows in the transition probabilities of each axis.
probs::NTuple{N, P}
: A tuple ofIntervalProbabilities
for (marginal) transition probabilities along each axis.source_dims::NTuple{N, Int32}
: The dimensions of the orthogonal probabilities for the source axis. This is flattened to a single dimension for indexing.
An example of OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities with 3 axes and 3 states for each axis, only one action per state. Therefore, the source_dims
is (3, 3, 3) and the number of columns of the transition probabilities is 27.
lower1 = [
1/15 3/10 1/15 3/10 1/30 1/3 7/30 4/15 1/6 1/5 1/10 1/5 0 7/30 7/30 1/5 2/15 1/6 1/10 1/30 1/10 1/15 1/10 1/15 4/15 4/15 1/3
1/5 4/15 1/10 1/5 3/10 3/10 1/10 1/15 3/10 3/10 7/30 1/5 1/10 1/5 1/5 1/30 1/5 3/10 1/5 1/5 1/10 1/30 4/15 1/10 1/5 1/6 7/30
4/15 1/30 1/5 1/5 7/30 4/15 2/15 7/30 1/5 1/3 2/15 1/6 1/6 1/3 4/15 3/10 1/30 3/10 3/10 1/10 1/15 1/30 2/15 1/6 1/5 1/10 4/15
upper1 = [
7/15 17/30 13/30 3/5 17/30 17/30 17/30 13/30 3/5 2/3 11/30 7/15 0 1/2 17/30 13/30 7/15 13/30 17/30 13/30 2/5 2/5 2/3 2/5 17/30 2/5 19/30
8/15 1/2 3/5 7/15 8/15 17/30 2/3 17/30 11/30 7/15 19/30 19/30 13/15 1/2 17/30 13/30 3/5 11/30 8/15 7/15 7/15 13/30 8/15 2/5 8/15 17/30 3/5
11/30 1/3 2/5 8/15 7/15 3/5 2/3 17/30 2/3 8/15 2/15 3/5 2/3 3/5 17/30 2/3 7/15 8/15 2/5 2/5 11/30 17/30 17/30 1/2 2/5 19/30 13/30
prob1 = IntervalProbabilities(; lower = lower1, upper = upper1)
lower2 = [
1/10 1/15 3/10 0 1/6 1/15 1/15 1/6 1/6 1/30 1/10 1/10 1/3 2/15 3/10 4/15 2/15 2/15 1/6 7/30 1/15 2/15 1/10 1/3 7/30 1/30 7/30
3/10 1/5 3/10 2/15 0 1/30 0 1/15 1/30 7/30 1/30 1/15 7/30 1/15 1/6 1/30 1/10 1/15 3/10 0 3/10 1/6 3/10 1/5 0 7/30 2/15
3/10 4/15 1/10 3/10 2/15 1/3 3/10 1/10 1/6 3/10 7/30 1/6 1/15 1/15 1/10 1/5 1/5 4/15 1/15 1/3 2/15 1/15 1/5 1/5 1/15 7/30 1/15
upper2 = [
2/5 17/30 3/5 11/30 3/5 7/15 19/30 2/5 3/5 2/3 2/3 8/15 8/15 19/30 8/15 8/15 13/30 13/30 13/30 17/30 17/30 13/30 11/30 19/30 8/15 2/5 8/15
1/3 13/30 11/30 2/5 2/3 2/3 0 13/30 1/2 17/30 17/30 1/3 2/5 1/3 13/30 11/30 8/15 1/3 1/2 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 2/5 3/5 2/3 13/30
17/30 3/5 8/15 1/2 7/15 1/2 2/3 17/30 11/30 2/5 1/2 7/15 2/5 17/30 11/30 2/5 11/30 2/3 1/3 2/3 17/30 8/15 17/30 3/5 2/5 19/30 11/30
prob2 = IntervalProbabilities(; lower = lower2, upper = upper2)
lower3 = [
4/15 1/5 3/10 3/10 4/15 7/30 1/5 4/15 7/30 1/6 1/5 0 1/15 1/30 3/10 1/3 2/15 1/15 7/30 4/15 1/10 1/3 1/5 7/30 1/30 1/5 7/30
2/15 4/15 1/10 1/30 7/30 2/15 1/15 1/30 3/10 1/3 1/5 1/10 2/15 1/30 2/15 4/15 0 4/15 1/5 4/15 1/10 1/10 1/3 7/30 3/10 1/3 3/10
1/5 1/3 3/10 1/10 1/15 1/10 1/30 1/5 2/15 7/30 1/3 2/15 1/10 1/6 3/10 1/5 7/30 1/30 0 1/30 1/15 2/15 1/6 7/30 4/15 4/15 7/30
upper3 = [
3/5 17/30 1/2 3/5 19/30 2/5 8/15 1/3 11/30 2/5 17/30 13/30 2/5 3/5 3/5 11/30 1/2 11/30 2/3 17/30 3/5 7/15 19/30 1/2 3/5 1/3 19/30
3/5 2/3 13/30 19/30 1/3 2/5 17/30 7/15 11/30 3/5 19/30 7/15 2/5 8/15 17/30 11/30 19/30 13/30 2/3 17/30 8/15 13/30 13/30 3/5 1/2 8/15 8/15
3/5 2/3 1/2 1/2 2/3 7/15 3/5 3/5 1/2 1/3 2/5 8/15 2/5 11/30 1/3 8/15 7/15 13/30 0 2/5 11/30 19/30 19/30 2/5 1/2 7/15 7/15
prob3 = IntervalProbabilities(; lower = lower3, upper = upper3)
prob = OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities((prob1, prob2, prob3), (Int32(3), Int32(3), Int32(3)))
— Methodlower(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l)
Return the lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target axis.
— Methodlower(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l, i, j)
Return the lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
— Methodupper(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l)
Return the upper bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
It is not recommended to use this function for the hot loop of O-maximization. Because the IntervalProbabilities
stores the lower and gap transition probabilities, fetching the upper bound requires allocation and computation.
— Methodupper(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l, i, j)
Return the upper bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
It is not recommended to use this function for the hot loop of O-maximization. Because the IntervalProbabilities
stores the lower and gap transition probabilities, fetching the upper bound requires allocation and computation.
— Methodgap(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l)
Return the gap between upper and lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target axis.
— Methodgap(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l, i, j)
Return the gap between upper and lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to a target state.
— Methodsum_lower(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l)
Return the sum of lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to all target states on one axis. This is useful in efficiently implementing O-maximization, where we start with a lower bound probability assignment and iteratively, according to the ordering, adding the gap until the sum of probabilities is 1.
— Methodsum_lower(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, l, j)
Return the sum of lower bound transition probabilities from a source state or source/action pair to all target states. This is useful in efficiently implementing O-maximization, where we start with a lower bound probability assignment and iteratively, according to the ordering, adding the gap until the sum of probabilities is 1.
— Methodnum_source(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities)
Return the number of source states or source/action pairs.
— Methodnum_target(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities)
Return the number of target states along each marginal.
— Methodaxes_source(p::OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities)
Return the valid range of indices for the source states or source/action pairs.
Mixtures of marginal interval ambiguity sets
— TypeMixtureIntervalProbabilities{N, P <: OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities, Q <: IntervalProbabilities}
A tuple of OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities
for independent transition probabilities in a mixture that all share the same source/action pairs, and target states. See OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities for more information on the structure of the transition probabilities for each model in the mixture. The mixture is weighted by an IntervalProbabilities
ambiguity set, called weighting_probs
mixture_probs::NTuple{N, P}
: A tuple ofOrthogonalIntervalProbabilities
transition probabilities along each axis.weighting_probs::Q
: The weighting ambiguity set for the mixture.
Below is a simple example of a mixture of two OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities
with one dimension and the same source/action pairs and target states, and a weighting ambiguity set.
prob1 = OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities(
lower = [
0.0 0.5
0.1 0.3
0.2 0.1
upper = [
0.5 0.7
0.6 0.5
0.7 0.3
prob2 = OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities(
lower = [
0.1 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.0
upper = [
0.4 0.6
0.5 0.4
0.6 0.2
weighting_probs = IntervalProbabilities(; lower = [
0.3 0.5
0.4 0.3
], upper = [
0.8 0.7
0.7 0.5
mixture_prob = MixtureIntervalProbabilities((prob1, prob2), weighting_probs)
— Methodnum_source(p::MixtureIntervalProbabilities)
Return the number of source states or source/action pairs.
— Methodnum_target(p::MixtureIntervalProbabilities)
Return the number of target states along each marginal.
— Methodaxes_source(p::MixtureIntervalProbabilities)
Return the valid range of indices for the source states or source/action pairs.
— Functionmixture_probs(p::MixtureIntervalProbabilities)
Return the tuple of OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities
transition probabilities.
mixture_probs(p::MixtureIntervalProbabilities, k)
Return $k$-th OrthogonalIntervalProbabilities
transition probabilities.
— Functionweighting_probs(p::MixtureIntervalProbabilities)
Return the IntervalProbabilities
weighting ambiguity set.