
Notation: A probability distribution $\gamma$ over a finite set $S$ is a function $\gamma : S \to [0, 1]$ satisfying $\sum_{s \in S} \gamma(s) = 1$. We denote by $\mathcal{D}(S)$ the set of all probability distributions over $S$. For $\underline{p}, \overline{p} : S \to [0, 1]$ such that $\underline{p}(s) \leq \overline{p}(s)$ for each $s \in S$ and $\sum_{s \in S} \underline{p}(s) \leq 1 \leq \sum_{s \in S} \overline{p}(s)$, an interval ambiguity set $\Gamma \subset \mathcal{D}(S)$ is the set of distributions such that

\[ \Gamma = \{ \gamma \in \mathcal{D}(S) \,:\, \underline{p}(s) \leq \gamma(s) \leq \overline{p}(s) \text{ for each } s\in S \}.\]

$\underline{p}, \overline{p}$ are referred to as the interval bounds of the interval ambiguity set. For $n$ finite sets $S_1, \ldots, S_n$ we denote by $S_1 \times \cdots \times S_n$ their Cartesian product. Given $S=S_1 \times \cdots \times S_n$ and $n$ ambiguity sets $\Gamma_i \in \mathcal{D}(S_i)$, $i = 1, \ldots, n$, the product ambiguity set $\Gamma \subseteq \mathcal{D}(S)$ is defined as:

\[ \Gamma = \left\{ \gamma \in \mathcal{D}(S) \,:\, \gamma(s) = \prod_{i=1}^n \gamma^i(s^i), \, \gamma^i \in \Gamma_i \right\}\]

where $s = (s_1, \ldots, s_n)\in S$. We will denote the product ambiguity set as $\Gamma = \bigotimes_{i=1}^n \Gamma_i$. Each $\Gamma_i$ is called a marginal or component ambiguity set.


Interval Markov Decision Processes (IMDPs), also called bounded-parameter MDPs [1], are a generalization of MDPs, where the transition probabilities, given source state and action, are not known exactly, but they are constrained to be in some probability interval. Formally, an IMDP $M$ is a tuple $M = (S, S_0`, A, \Gamma)$, where

  • $S$ is a finite set of states,
  • $S_0 \subseteq S$ is a set of initial states,
  • $A$ is a finite set of actions,
  • `$\Gamma = \{\Gamma_{s,a}\}_{s\in S,a \in A}$ is a set of ambiguity sets for source-action pair $(s, a)$, where each $\Gamma_{s,a}$ is an interval ambiguity set over $S$.

A path of an IMDP is a sequence of states and actions $\omega = (s_0,a_0),(s_1,a_1),\dots$, where $(s_i,a_i)\in S \times A$. We denote by $\omega(k) = s_k$ the state of the path at time $k \in \mathbb{N}^0$ and by $\Omega$ the set of all paths. A strategy or policy for an IMDP is a function $\pi$ that assigns an action to a given state of an IMDP. Time-dependent strategies are functions from state and time step to an action, i.e. $\pi: S\times \mathbb{N}^0 \to A$. If $\pi$ does not depend on time and solely depends on the current state, it is called a stationary strategy. Similar to a strategy, an adversary $\eta$ is a function that assigns a feasible distribution to a given state. Given a strategy and an adversary, an IMDP collapses to a finite Markov chain.


Orthogonally Decoupled IMDPs (OD-IMDPs) are a subclass of robust MDPs that are designed to be more memory-efficient and computationally efficient than the general IMDP model. The states are structured into an orthogonal, or grid-based, decomposition, and and the transition probability ambiguity sets, for each source-action pair (note the $(s, a)$-rectangularity [2]), as a product of interval ambiguity sets along each marginal.

Formally, an OD-IMDP $M$ with $n$ marginals is a tuple $M = (S, S_0, A, \Gamma)$, where

  • $S = S_1 \times \cdots \times S_n$ is a finite set of joint states with $S_i$ being a finite set of states for the $i$-th marginal,
  • $S_0 \subseteq S$ is a set of initial states,
  • $A$ is a finite set of actions,
  • $\Gamma = \{\Gamma_{s,a}\}_{s\in S,a \in A}$ is a set of ambiguity sets for source-action pair $(s, a)$, where each $\Gamma_{s,a} = \bigotimes_{i=1}^n \Gamma^i_{s,a}$ with $\Gamma^i_{s,a}$ is an interval ambiguity set over the $i$-th marginal, i.e. over $S_i$.

Paths, strategies, and adversaries are defined similarly to IMDPs. See [3] for more details on OD-IMDPs.

Mixtures of OD-IMDPs

Mixtures of OD-IMDPs are included to address the issue the OD-IMDPs may not be able to represent all uncertainty in the transition probabilities. The mixture model is a convex combination of OD-IMDPs, where each OD-IMDP has its own set of ambiguity sets. Furthermore, the weights of the mixture are also interval-valued.

Formally, a mixture of OD-IMDPs $M$ with $K$ OD-IMDPs and $n$ marginals is a tuple $M = (S, S_0, A, \Gamma, \Gamma^\alpha)$, where

  • $S = S_1 \times \cdots \times S_n$ is a finite set of joint states with $S_i$ being a finite set of states for the $i$-th marginal,
  • $S_0 \subseteq S$ is a set of initial states,
  • $A$ is a finite set of actions,
  • $\Gamma = \{\Gamma_{r,s,a}\}_{r \in K, s\in S,a \in A}$ is a set of ambiguity sets for source-action pair $(s, a)$ and OD-IMDP $R$, where each $\Gamma_{r,s,a} = \bigotimes_{i=1}^n \Gamma^i_{r,s,a}$ with $\Gamma^i_{r,s,a}$ is an interval ambiguity set over the $i$-th marginal, i.e. over $S_i$.
  • $\Gamma^\alpha = \{\Gamma^\alpha_{s,a}\}_{s \in S, a \in A}$ is a set of interval ambiguity sets for the weights of the mixture, i.e. over $\{1, \ldots, K\}$.

A feasible distribution for a mixture of OD-IMDPs is $\sum_{r \in K} \alpha_{s,a}(r) \prod_{i = 1}^n \gamma_{r,s,a}$ where $\alpha_{s,a} \in \Gamma^\alpha_{s,a}$ and $\gamma_{r,s,a} \in \Gamma_{r,s,a}$ for each source-action pair $(s, a)$. See [3] for more details on mixtures of OD-IMDPs.


In this formal framework, we can describe computing reachability given a target set $G$ and a horizon $K \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{\infty\}$ as the following objective

\[{\mathop{opt}\limits_{\pi}}^{\pi} \; {\mathop{opt}\limits_{\eta}}^{\eta} \; \mathbb{P}_{\pi,\eta }\left[\omega \in \Omega : \exists k \in [0,K], \, \omega(k)\in G \right],\]

where $\mathop{opt}^{\pi},\mathop{opt}^{\eta} \in \{\min, \max\}$ and $\mathbb{P}_{\pi,\eta }$ is the probability of the Markov chain induced by strategy $\pi$ and adversary $\eta$. When $\mathop{opt}^{\eta} = \min$, the solution is called optimal pessimistic probability (or reward), and conversely is called optimal optimistic probability (or reward) when $\mathop{opt}^{\eta} = \max$. The choice of the min/max for the action and pessimistic/optimistic probability depends on the application.

Discounted reward

Discounted reward is similar to reachability but instead of a target set, we have a reward function $r: S \to \mathbb{R}$ and a discount factor $\gamma \in (0, 1)$. The objective is then

\[{\mathop{opt}\limits_{\pi}}^{\pi} \; {\mathop{opt}\limits_{\eta}}^{\eta} \; \mathbb{E}_{\pi,\eta }\left[\sum_{k=0}^{K} \gamma^k r(\omega(k)) \right].\]

[1] Givan, Robert, Sonia Leach, and Thomas Dean. "Bounded-parameter Markov decision processes." Artificial Intelligence 122.1-2 (2000): 71-109.

[2] Suilen, M., Badings, T., Bovy, E. M., Parker, D., & Jansen, N. (2024). Robust Markov Decision Processes: A Place Where AI and Formal Methods Meet. In Principles of Verification: Cycling the Probabilistic Landscape: Essays Dedicated to Joost-Pieter Katoen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Part III (pp. 126-154). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

[3] Mathiesen, F. B., Haesaert, S., & Laurenti, L. (2024). Scalable control synthesis for stochastic systems via structural IMDP abstractions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.11803.